A New Mindset to Save Beer Taste

The 2 latest posts on the Guardian Environment blog are worth reading. The first one, What we urgently need is a new mindset on climate change, is actually the editorial published simultaneously by two prestigious medical journals, The Lancet and The British Medical Journal, calling for a new mindset on climate change ahead of the Copenhagen conference, as it poses the serious threat of “a global health catastrophe.” Not only it describes the dramatic consequences for health if nothing is done, it also highlights that this new mindset could be a positive turning point for human well-being:

Crucially for winning hearts and minds in richer countries, what’s good for the climate is good for health. The measures needed to combat climate change coincide with those needed to ensure a healthier population and reduce the burden on health services. A low-carbon economy will mean less pollution. A low-carbon diet (especially eating less meat) and more exercise will mean less cancer, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Opportunity, surely, not cost.

The second post warns that if nothing is done to tackle global warming, your beer will taste like pish too.



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