

Rewriting Slashdot with Web Standards

A List Apart has issued an article about rewriting Slashdot with XHTML and CSS standards. It is pretty interesting because it is very much a case study about how to convert an existing web site into a validating site.

Thus, menus were converted everywhere, tables for layout have been replaced by divs, a CSS style sheet has been applied and the result is pretty stunning:

  • Savings per page without caching the CSS file: ~2KB per request
  • Savings per page with caching the CSS file: ~9KB per request

Though a few KB doesn’t sound like a lot of bandwidth, let’s add it up. Slashdot states
that they serve 50 million pages in a month. When you break down the
figures, that’s ~1,612,900 pages per day or ~18 pages per second.
Bandwidth savings are as follows:

  • Savings per day without caching the CSS files: ~3.15 GB bandwidth
  • Savings per day with caching the CSS files: ~14 GB bandwidth

The result can be seen here, as well as this page with the same XHTML code with a brand new CSS style sheet – uugh, ugly titles, though.

Pretty interesting because it shows the process for rewriting pages to convert them:

  1. Clean the code by removing the useless tags as well as deprecated ones;
  2. List’em all: “Essentially, anything that there was more than two of was put it into a list, for example: login, sections, help, stories, about, services, etc.”
  3. Give structure to the document by using headers (<hn>);
  4. Organise the layout thanks to boxes (<div>) by
    a) grouping semantically the contents and
    b) positioning them;
  5. Add the final designing bits, such as pictures, fonts, colours, etc. ¶

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