Smaller Letters to Save Paper

That’s the idea a Karin Torstensson Hirsmark came up with to save about 10% of the paper costs: reduce the size of letters.

“Stadsdirektör Karin Torstensson Hirsmark fick en idé att om man skrev med mindre bokstäver på alla kommunala papper så skulle kommunen spara upp emot tio procent av papperskostnaderna”

Stadsdirektör Karin Torstensson Hirsmark got the idea that if people wrote with smaller letters on every communal papers, the commune would save up to ten percent of the paper costs.

Grand idea, wasn’t it? The problem was… that the politicians couldn’t read the documents any more – they were just damn too small to read. Everything just went back to normal size because of that. Funny isn’t it? (I found that link on


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