The Decommissioning of Ashtrays

Ellen spotted this – excellent – letter from The IT this morning:

Madam, – In announcing the commencement date for the workplace-smoking ban, has Minister Martin fully thought the matter out?

Not a word have I heard about what must be one of the most important aspects of its implementation – namely, the decommissioning of ashtrays.

Will the Minister confirm that he intends to set up an independent body (with appropriate powers of search and seizure) to supervise the disposal of these soon-to-be-redundant objects? Following State-wide collection of tens of thousands of them from pubs, restaurants and offices, they could perhaps be displayed on the plinth at Leinster House where he, and we, would see tangible evidence that they have permanently been put beyond further use.

Some should, of course, be retained by the National Museum for the enlightenment of future generations. – Yours, etc.,



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