

<abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr> Won't Stop Amazing me

It looks like I discover a new amazing CSS trick every second day… I am among those who make their drop shadows the brutal way: I open a picture with The Gimp and go with a selection tool, shrink selection, Ctrl+K for a plain border and then a quick filter to actually drop the shadow.

Today’s article in A List Apart by Sergio Villarreal just makes me look plain stupid. It is a fairly easy way to get a drop shadow without even opening an image manipulation program. And it does the trick also with text. Easy, but someone had to think of it. And someone did… That’s what I like in CSS. It looks like you can do anything: you just have to think of it.

And every day, someone comes up with a terrific way of using the lethal weapon – even though it is more than probable that this trick has been around for quite a while and I didn’t come across it before. That would make me look even more silly. In public.


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