Hit by Sasser... Ehh No, Actually

Even though there is nothing funny about the situation which occurred here this morning (t’was mayhem), I must admit I was kind of jubilating. All the computers around me started to restart, hit by the ugly Sasser virus which spread at high speed. And as I always keep my PC up-to-date, I was relatively safe.

This is the result of an extremely stupid way of handling security in the vicinity. I complained a while ago that the antivirus updates were not regularly provided – in vain. I retaliated by connecting my antivirus to the vendor website so that it can do the updates itself. I also update my Windows via Windows update very often (something like every Monday I run it just to make sure I didn’t miss any security alert). Once again, I was accused of stealing too much bandwidth for my needs (!!!) and system administrators were thinking I was just being paranoid (!!!). They also thought I was a pain in the ass when I was requesting new stations with W2k and the already-installed updates – not just the plain version out of the box, ready to be attacked at any time. Therefore, you can imagine how pleased I was with myself when this morning those same people ended up struggling to stop the virus.


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