Thank God for SharpReader!

I’m kind of reading-addicted. Everything which can be read will be read, as my voracious eyes wander around in the desperate hope of finding anything! I often have to yell them back.

In this struggle to keep my eyes steady but fed, RSS appeared to me as the panacea when I discovered it onto Textism, a site I keep coming onto because of its spirit, pleasantness, plainness (those two last ones are somewhat related)… and just a ’cause!

But so far, I was using an ugly Java application called RSSViewer… I really cannot figure out why it has to be so bad-looking. It kind of works cough cough, why not use this working cough cough again programme as a basis to write a somewhat more attractive application?? I just simply cannot get it. I’d do it myself if I had the time to do so, but, well, thank you but no, thank you.

Anyway, I was a bit fed up to see a DOS console being launched every time my computer started, so I began to search for… something else. And I came across SharpReader which simply does it. And nicely. And quickly. I shall order my troups to build a statue to Luke Hutteman, who wrote this programme in .Net. Now, my crave for info is going to be satisfied in a wonderful and simple way.


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