The Mummy-Compliant Blogger Survival Kit

This article should be called “How to Prevent Your Mom From Reading Your Blog”, but it is called instead “What to Do When Your Mom Discovers Your Blog”. It’s all Blogger-oriented but some of the bits in there are true for any blog. You wouldn’t want your mother discover your true self, would you?

Use a Pseudonym

That is a proper advice. I think it shouldn’t be limited to blogs, though. If you care for your privacy, I think you should use pseudonyms as much as you can – my favourite being sébastien, after some long time of thorough analysis. It is indeed very easy via Google (and I made the experience with people I know – everybody has, I’m sure) to spot the interests of someone – that is, if this someone is active on the Internet. Scary how sometimes you cannot quite forget you’ve been involved in things such as LaTeX…

Go Multi-Lingual

This leaves with me with a dreadful dilemma: do I want my mother of my girlfriend to understand what I write? In any case, Ellen would understand either French or English. I may as well write in English. And that’s fine with me, English is gibberish to my Mom. She’d be so ashamed to read about what her son is really into, after all.

Search and Destroy Modify

Righteo: “use a Mom-friendly language”.

Pull a Tony Pierce

I don’t quite know who the hell your man may be. But the thing is: put on a disclaimer pretending that nothing you write is true. There you go, Weblogism’s new disclaimer: nothing in here is quite true. You probably noticed the sub-title “Wild imaginings”… There you go, son.

Go to the Source…

…And remove your site from Google. Who would be foolish enough to do that?! That’d be like cutting your arms off, wouldn’t it?


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